DIY: Inexpensive Easy Drying Rack

Not long ago, my better half decided that we needed a drying rack when she was inspired by Magnolia Holler’s Herb Drying Rack.  It would come in handy for drying our garlic and our winter bulblets.  Being frugal (read: cheap) we settled on a rather inexpensive design.

We started with an adjustable window screen.

Photo Credit Google

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This year we planted dragon tongue beans, pinto beans, and top-pick crowder peas. The seed packet for the dragon tongue beans said they could be picked early (green) and the shells are similar to a green bean or left to dry and pick after the bean is fully mature similar to the pinto bean. We opted to let them mature and dry and pick them like pintos.

This is what we got. It is just about enough for one good mess of beans. I am grateful as we did not even know if we would get any harvest.  The shells have purplish striping. Some shells are darker than others. We were curious to see how they taste.

Dragon Tongue Beans
Dragon Tongue Beans

Continue reading “Beans!”