Newborn Doeling and Buckling

We would like to introduce the newest members of the family that were born this morning. Strawberry, the mama and both newborn kids are doing well. Mama was quite hungry and thirsty, quite strong. Both babies are walking (wobbly at first) and nursed. We have a doeling and a buckling. We will post more later. I just wanted to share our news!

Mama Goat and Newborn Kids
Mama Goat and Newborn Kids
Mama Goat and Newborn Kids
Mama Goat Eating and Newborn Kids Nuzzling

A Little Deer and Fox Watching

We are enjoying discovering all of the photos on our Bushnell Trophy Cam. It’s so fun to see what’s going on when we are not looking, but it  also allows us to plan and prepare better. We mostly have deer traipsing through the area, but are seeing the occasional fox. Both will be potential problems for us with our current and future trees and our garden and chickens once we move to the land in a few years.

Continue reading “A Little Deer and Fox Watching”

Chicken Cam: All Chickens on Deck!

The chickens pretty much just roam wherever they please inside our backyard fence. They do tend to have a couple of favorite spots. Occasionally, we have spotted one random chicken on the steps of the deck. They generally look around and see there is nothing up there for them and leave disinterested.

However, Friday after work I looked out the back door and they were all on the deck. It just cracked us up because we had never seen them do this before. Our guess is there were pools of water standing on the deck where it had rained earlier in the day and it intrigued them. They had plenty of water in their waterer and also the dog’s water bowl. It wasn’t because they did not have any other water. We presume it just peaked their interest this time as usually the deck just has nothing to offer them.

Chickens checking out the deck

Continue reading “Chicken Cam: All Chickens on Deck!”

More Fall Color

Oh, I love this time of the year. The air is cool, but not cold here in NC. The colors this week were just fabulous! I believe we hit our peak. I just Ooooo and Ahhhh on my drives to and from work each day. I am so blessed to have such beautiful scenery along the way. I have tried to take many a photo to capture the brilliance, but only a few really show up.

View at My Parking Space at Work
View at My Parking Space at Work

Continue reading “More Fall Color”

Fall Around Our Place

You would think that now it is fall things may be slowing down around here and I would have a little bit of time for blogging. But it seems my paying job, church, and Sarah’s ever busy calendar has kept me on the go. I must admit I am looking forward to slowing down a bit and trying to get back to a little crocheting. But I cannot seem to be still long enough for that or when I do have a moment, I’m just so darn tired and brain dead.

Sunday afternoon I had a couple of hours to myself. I walked around and took inventory of how everything was looking around our place. I honestly have not done much of that lately. Jon has been doing most of the lingering garden tasks as things were still growing and coming in. I decided to take a few photos as I did my walk about.

The Crabapple Tree is Loaded Down
The Crabapple Tree is Loaded Down


Peak at Our Garden Progress

It seems the weather in April in May has just been a bit bi-polar and our garden is not as far along as we had hoped. But we are finally having some consistent warm days and our garden is starting to improve. Here is a little bit of what’s going on in our garden.

Contender Green Beans, Carrots, Tomato Blooms, Top-Pick Crowder Peas, Leaf Lettuce, Potatoes Plant, and Oregano

Chicken Cam

Three weeks ago we integrated our new chicks with the flock. Other than the occasional hen peck or chase which is expected it has gone very smoothly. The young chickens are now almost as big as the older chickens.

The Older Gals – Commercial Black and Red
Left: The Older Gals – Commercial Black and Red. Right: Younger Girls/Guy – Barred Plymouth Rock
Left: Our Rooster is growing fast! Right: Just a little chicken butt.

Chicken Cam – Barred Plymouth Rock Chicks 8 Days Old

I am behind on posting pictures of our new little ones. These were taken a few days ago and are when they were 8 days old. These are the 3 barred plymouth rocks that we got from the straight run at Tractor Supply.  They are so cute. One of them is so much bigger than the other two.

Their Wing Feathers Are Growing Fast

Continue reading “Chicken Cam – Barred Plymouth Rock Chicks 8 Days Old”