Green Beans and Sweet Bell Peppers in the New Garden

We had the delusion that we could get a good size garden planted this year even with the move. We thought the first year we would have a smaller one than the garden we had at the old place, and then by next year we would have double! But with all of the moving, projects at the new house, and keeping the old house up so it can sell…it didn’t seem like any garden was going to happen at all. This was just unacceptable because our stored canned goods are running quite low and we just wanted our garden! So although it was later than planned and thrown together Jon just got out there in the side backyard and just tilled up one row for some green beans and a couple of sweet red bell pepper plants a couple of weeks ago.
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Off to a Good Start…Mostly

Our first garden seems to be off to a good start. The corn is a little sparse and our carrots and onions were planted too late, but the beans, lettuce, and zucchini are looking good. We’re still not sure about the broccoli. It may have been planted too late as well.

Those 3 little flower pots in the corner are where we planted our pepper seeds. Yeah, I see why our oldest shook his head and all but laughed at us. They started to grow just a little (very little), but they have all mostly disappeared. I think bugs ate them or something.

You can see how all the grass is trying to grow back up through the garden as we didn’t get it tilled good enough, but all in all we may actually have some sort of crop from this!

What To Plant?

So, now we’ve just tilled up the yard… what to plant?!? We were already starting pretty late on this whole garden thing so we needed to get on the ball and buy some seeds and get planting.  We bought various seeds from Tractor Supply, Walmart, Lowes, and Dollar General.

We were out in town and thought we’d run by Lowes and Walmart and pick up some seeds.  These were not our usual store locations, but we were already there and they were more convenient at the time. Let me tell you don’t even bother going to a Lowes or Walmart in a city.  Their selection is pitiful!  We had much better luck going to our usual rural Lowes and Walmart.

Man, everywhere had tons of different types of green beans.  We thought we wouldn’t do green beans because both of our Mama’s always keep us generously supplied with canned green beans.  So, we were thinking maybe some other kinds of beans.  I thought maybe we should try some October beans.  I knew from growing up they are about the same thing as pintos, but is what most people around here always had.  At least that’s how I recalled it…lol.  Well, we couldn’t find October beans or pinto beans anywhere.  We found some dragon tongue beans that look similar to a pinto but with some purplish stripes.  We were curious so bought them.
Continue reading “What To Plant?”