We had the delusion that we could get a good size garden planted this year even with the move. We thought the first year we would have a smaller one than the garden we had at the old place, and then by next year we would have double! But with all of the moving, projects at the new house, and keeping the old house up so it can sell…it didn’t seem like any garden was going to happen at all. This was just unacceptable because our stored canned goods are running quite low and we just wanted our garden! So although it was later than planned and thrown together Jon just got out there in the side backyard and just tilled up one row for some green beans and a couple of sweet red bell pepper plants a couple of weeks ago.

This might not be the most impressive vegetable garden in the world, but we have learned a lot over the years and it has got to turn out better than our very first garden. Right?!? It made me sad knowing all the work that we did at our old garden and how nice the soil had become. Just when that garden was really doing well and the soil nice and rich…here we go starting over. Pleasantly, the topsoil at our new place looks pretty good before amending. I’m sure we’ll battle the weeds as this was yard just weeks ago, but look at all those green beans! We thought we had bought half-runners, but some how we bait and switched ourselves and ended up with string-less bush beans. Go figure. It is nowhere as many green beans as we planted last year and we didn’t plant them in time to do a second round. But still we have some green beans on their way.

Then Jon and I took Thursday and Friday off to have an extra long weekend to get some things accomplished around the new place. We had been talking about tilling up another row and planting some more green beans and maybe a little squash and zucchini. The next thing I know Jon has tilled up a couple more rows. Yay!

There is nothing planted in it in this picture, but we later planted more green beans and zucchini. It is starting to look like a garden. Slowly, but surely things are starting to come together and we are getting there. It is not too late here in zone 7 to plant a few things for a summer garden so get on out there and get your hands dirty!