Easter Egger and Production Red 2 Weeks Old Chicks

Here it is the first week in March and I am listening to the sleet as it hits the windows…sigh. I refuse to dwell on winter things any longer. So, we will think on happy thoughts….like baby chicks! The chicks are two weeks old now and their feathers are starting to fill in.

Flappy - 2 Week Old Production Red Pullet
Flappy – 2 Week Old Production Red Pullet

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More TSC Chicks

Have I mentioned that we love Tractor Supply? Friday evening we went into TSC to get some more chicken feed for the chicks. Of course we always have to look around no matter what the time of year. But being it is “Chick Days” we strolled on over the see if there were any baby chicks or ducks left.

I couldn’t resist. I had to take a few pictures of those adorable balls of puff!

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