The first weeks of this year have created a range of cold weather issues. There are a number of steps that can be taken by a family looking to become prepared for problems with extremes of cold weather seen from parts of the Deep South to the most northerly regions of the U.S. over recent months.
Food and Drinks
It may seem strange but properly hydrating is a constant worry for preppers in the winter months when a natural disaster occurs during an extreme period of cold weather. A good option to take is an oral hydration system that can be used to keep the body hydrated when the loss of water is commonplace, as individuals do not wish to drink water when the temperature dips and people feel cold without the need for chilled water and liquids. In a similar way, many individuals no longer feel hungry or wish to eat on a regular basis when they are cold but the use of dehydrated foods is easier to manage than cans that can be heavy and be damaged by freezing temperatures.
Emergency Equipment
First aid supplies may seem like an easy choice for a prepper looking to stay safe during the extremes of cold weather. However, many find issues with frozen supplies when they are needed. It is important to remember alcohol does not freeze at as high a temperature as water and should form the basis of a winter first aid kit along with disinfectant wipes.
Ensure Fuel and Heat Availability
This may sound like simple common sense, but making sure a source of warmth and fuel is always available should be part of a winter weather preparedness kit. The first step to take is the purchase of waterproof matches and lighters that can be used to light a fire. The appropriate materials for a fire should also be in place with many preppers choosing a fire starter log, which can be cut into smaller pieces to light numerous fires if a cold snap lasts for a prolonged period.
Keep Clothing Dry at All Times
One of the major problems seen with extremely cold weather is a growing trend for snow and flooding across much of the U.S. where the problems of remaining dry become an issue for the people of the nation. Experienced preppers will always recommend the use of plastic baggies and waterproof containers to store changes of socks, trousers, and other items of clothing which can cause issues unless a change of heavy or thermal socks is available at all times to keep the extremities of the body clear of issues at all times.
High-quality Sleeping Bags
One of the first options to explore is making sure any individual stays warm and free from the issues of hypothermia when they embark upon any time without the heat of fuel from traditional utility companies in an emergency situation. A high-quality sleeping bag is a necessity and should be rated for winter use as part of an extreme cold weather preparedness kit; many preppers like to have separate kits for the warmer months of the year and those when the extremely cold weather could occur. Alongside a sleeping bag with Gore-Tex outer rated for extremely cold temperatures any prepper will also require a mat to sleep on, as the problem of hypothermia is a real possibility when body heat is lost into the ground.
Like always, it is important to make sure every individual is properly protected from the cold with exposure to freezing temperatures limited to only the necessary times of the day and night. The need to remain in contact should always be a top priority with access to a radio available at all times, despite the problems involved in the breakdown in government agencies and the everyday fabric of society when a winter storm strikes. Staying safe means staying warm and hydrated throughout the period of winter weather without needing to rely on government agencies or charitable groups for the important supplies required to live in an emergency.