Here it is the first week in March and I am listening to the sleet as it hits the windows…sigh. I refuse to dwell on winter things any longer. So, we will think on happy thoughts….like baby chicks! The chicks are two weeks old now and their feathers are starting to fill in.
Flappy – 2 Week Old Production Red Pullet |
Ostrich – 2 Week Old Production Red Pullet |
All of the chicks have names now. Most of their names are descriptive and it is obvious why they were named as such. But Bertha, well she (we hope) was the fattest of the Easter Eggers and just looked like a big ole Bertha laying around. All of the chicks have their tail feathers coming in, but the Easter Eggers’ tail feathers are more impressive right now. Big ole Bertha’s are the best!
Bertha – Easter Egger Day 2 Weeks Old Chick |
Spanky – Easter Egger Day 2 Weeks Old Chick |
They have gray feet. Some are darker than others. Smokey has the darkest feet. We think Smokey is a cockerel, but maybe we are wrong.
Smokey – Easter Egger Day 2 Weeks Old Chick |
Bandit was named for the dark stripe that goes through the eyes like a robber/bandit mask. We had a Bandit so of course it didn’t take us long to come up with the name Smokey. Therefore, we have Smokey and the Bandit.
Bandit – Easter Egger Day 2 Weeks Old Chick |