Have I mentioned that we love Tractor Supply? Friday evening we went into TSC to get some more chicken feed for the chicks. Of course we always have to look around no matter what the time of year. But being it is “Chick Days” we strolled on over the see if there were any baby chicks or ducks left.
I couldn’t resist. I had to take a few pictures of those adorable balls of puff!
I tried to take pictures of the Bantams. They just boggle my mind how small they are. However, the pictures were dreadfully blurry.
These chicks and ducks were 5 days old. Tractor Supply gets 1 day old chicks and ducks in every Monday during “Chick Days”. Many of them already had some little wing feathers. Wouldn’t you know that the “Weekly Straight Run” special were Barred Rocks? That is really what we had wanted when Jon did his research, but when we purchased our first baby chicks they did not have any and we could NOT wait.
Of course being a straight run you don’t know whether you will get pullets or cockerels. Most people we have talked to that have gotten straight runs (no matter what source) seem to turn out well over 50% cockerels. Here we were staring at these tubs full of cuteness while we felt a deep void from our recent chicken disaster. Surely, you see where this is going?
Well, the sign said there was a minimum of 6. There is no way that we could get 6 more in addition to the 5 we had left. The coop and run just wasn’t designed for that. We decided to ask if we could get only 3. Since we had recently gotten 7, they allowed us to get 3 more and “add them” to our original paperwork quantity. So, we came home with 3 new baby chicks that were 5 days old.
We are keeping them in a separate brooder box under the lamp not with the other 5 of course. We truly believe these 3 look smaller than any of our first 7 and they are older. It’s amazing to see how small they are compared to how big our other girls have gotten so quickly.
Naturally, I wanted to post pictures of the new babes, but again I really suck at taking pictures. I need to do better! These are the only two descent pictures out of several shots. Both of these are of the same chick.
We may need an intervention….