Danver half longs are our favorite carrots to grow. They are short, fat, and stubby and grow easier than many longer varieties. They have a naturally sweet flavor that is much more appealing which is why they are our favorite to can as well. You can too with these easy instructions on how to can carrots.
Canning Carrots Ingredients
- Carrots (Approximately 1.5-2 pounds per pint jar)
- Salt (Optional)
- Water
- Large Pot
- Canning Jars
- Tablespoon
- Teaspoon
- Canning Lids and Rings
- Jar Grabber
- Magnetic Lid Lifter
- Jar Funnel
- Spoon/Ladle
- Pressure Canner
You can buy your canning supplies individually, but if you have none and need several items it is usually cheaper to purchase the basic canning supplies in a starter kit. You can also find inexpensive canning jars of all sizes at Goodwill, yard sales, and stores like Dollar General.
Wash, Peel, Slice, Wash Again
Prepare Canner
Blanch Carrots for Hot Packing
Prepare Jars and Lids
Hot Pack Carrots
Remove blanched carrots from heat. Pack carrots into jars until full. Because carrots are large there will be a lot of unused air space in the jar. With a tablespoon pack the carrots down to remove some of the air. Do not excessively pack them. Simply pack them down just enough to add a little more carrots. Add more carrots leaving 1 inch of head space.
Add 1 teaspoon of salt to quart jars and 1/2 teaspoon of salt to pint jars. This is optional for flavor and not required to preserve the carrots.
Fill with water from cooked carrots to 1 inch headspace. Double check headspace and remove or add water as needed.
Wipe rims clean, center hot lids on jar, tighten rings until fingertip tight. Do not over tighten.
Pressure Can Carrots
Low acid foods (like peas, beans, potatoes, carrots, and meats) must be preserved in a pressure canner. Place jars into preheated pressure canner using jar grabber. Quart and pint jars can be combined in a single canning session. However, if you are using a tall pressure canner and are filling with a second layer of jars make sure your first layer are all of the same size (except maybe the center ones). Securely place the lid on the pressure canner. Turn heat to high and allow canner to vent for 10 minutes. Apply 10 pounds of pressure. Once 10 pounds of pressure have been reached process for 25 minutes. Adjust heat as needed to maintain 10 pounds of pressure.
When the time is up turn the heat off and wait for dial/gauge to register 0 pounds of pressure. Do not attempt to rush this process or remove the weight early. Once it has reached 0 pounds of pressure remove the weight and canner lid. Remove the jars with a jar grabber and set on a towel with an inch or so of space between them to cool. It does not take long to start hearing the pops of the centers sealing. It’s a glorious sound! After 24 hours check all lids for a proper seal. Properly sealed lids will not flex up and down when pressed in the center.